As you've seen, my family and I just took family portraits. I love them! I started looking through our photo albums at the last time we took family pictures. Last time, it was with Blake's family in 2011. Let me show you the comparison:

20 LB difference!!
I almost forgot how I used to look. & what is funny, is I thought I looked good that day with my hair all done and everything. I started losing weight right after those family pics. I used My Fitness Pal, which is an app that helps you set calorie goals and track your food intake. I lost about 9 pounds just by eating better-and not so much better as less. I really like My Fitness Pal. It is easy to use and is just a reality check. You really think twice about having alcohol or dessert, when you could be using those calories for actual food.
But! My real success came from TURBOFIRE! It is a Beach Body Program by Chalene Johnson. It is a series of videos that are so much fun! Here is what I like about them:
-HIIT Workouts. These are so awesome. A HIIT workout makes you go as hard and as fast as you can for 1 minute and then you get a 1 minute break. Anyone can do that! & HIIT workouts are so good for your heart.
-Chalene. She is motivating and adorable. I like her much better than other fitness instructors that yell at you or are very manly. Her Instagram is great too!
-The Music! Ok, so this program came out in 2010, so the music is a little older, but its still fun and timeless! I am a person who has to have music when working out! (Running Playlist Here)
-I had a partner! The only reason I ever even heard about Turbo is because my friend Nicole talked me into doing it with her. We kept each other accountable during those 90 days! It helped that we had similar schedules, and had no problem getting up early to do our videos. She didn't let me cheat either! She would always tell me if I jumped higher last time.
Want to see my bathing suit pics? Ugh....
These are terrible quality as they were taken on a phone in front of an antique mirror, but you get the point.
You burn so many calories in such a short period of time. I love running, but when I run I burn less than 100 calories a mile. In a 15 minute HIIT workout I burned easily 250 calories.
I also started using 2lb gloves when I got used to moves, and that really added a challenge.
It does take a few attempts to get the choreography down, but pretty soon you will be doing those moves in your sleep! I heard one of the turbo songs at a wedding, and I was really close to jumping into my jab, cross, hook, up!
TurboFire helped me lose weight, and it was truly a lifestyle change. I lost 20 lbs, hit my goal weight and have been able to maintain it for over a year now.
I am seriously passionate about Turbo. I was not paid to give my opinion, I simply wanted to share my experience with you. I am ready to start this program again, but my partner moved away! I need to buy the program for myself! I talked Blake into letting me get T25, which I didn't like very much. (It's Okay. I like that it is 25 minutes, but the moves are not fun. & Sean T is no Chalene.) So, he isn't exactly thrilled with my buying a whole new set of videos. But, it is about to be cold outside and I am going to need an indoor activity (right!?)